Last Breath

Last Breath

2018 • 230 pages


Average rating5


This book checked every single one of my dirty twisted boxes. That is until the end. I HATED the ending of this one...f-cking hated it. BOO. HISS. BAH. Setting that issue aside this was a fantastic read. The writing was amazing. This was a pretty quick read and featured three different POVs (Salem, Malachi, and Joy's). The pace was perfect. The plot was incredibly engaging. It was dark. It was twisted. It was hot. It was AMOST perfect.

SALEM & MALACHI... I loved both of these characters. They were f-cked up beyond belief but they were also strangely sweet and endearing (lol). Not to mention smokin' hot together. I loved how with the addition of Joy they became a twisted little family.

JOY...I adored her character as well. She was just as twisted and f-cked up as Salem and Malachi and I loved every single minute of it. 

There are basically no secondary characters of mention in this one. The entire focus of the book is on Salem, Malachi, and Joy. 

Medium. There are quite a few smokin hot sex scenes in this one. It's a menage so there is M/M sex and MMF sex. Lots of sex that includes blood and gore. 

None. I didn't find this one angsty at all. At least relationship wise. A few bumps here and there but nothing that causes issues within the trio. Obviously what they embark on and the repercussions of their acts causes some angst. There was no OW or OM drama. Both (anti) heroes had never been with a woman before and it is never said specifically but I don't think Joy was a virgin.

Apart from the ending this one was AMAZING. Ya sure, it was probably a fitting ending but I couldn't help but be a little disappointed. That said, 99% of it was awesome so I am going to try not to whine TOO much. I love this author's writing, she does dark and twisted very well and this book was no different in that respect. It had me hooked from the first page until the last page. Therefore yours truly is going to give this one two HUGE thumbs up. 

March 19, 2018Report this review