Last One at the Party

Last One at the Party

2021 • 355 pages


Average rating4.4


This has been a brilliant read! A combination of terrifying, hopeless, hopeful and funny! I loved how our main character (we never learn her name!) learned and grew as the story went on! 

As I mentioned before, I'm not a pet person, but really Lucky was the star of the story. If not for him, our main character would've been dead a long time ago! She had a helping hand from Lucky, but she clearly was strong and brave. I'm not sure how I would've coped in her situation! 

It was heartbreaking, sad, terrifying and just plain awful at times! The humour definitely stopped it from being a truly horrifying read, and of course there's also the fact that she managed to make a life for herself. 

There were some unanswered questions at the end. There is a sequel, so I'm hoping some of these questions will be answered in that.

Thank you to PH and Bethany for the chance to read this brilliant book.

February 15, 2022Report this review