Le loup qui voulait changer de couleur

Le loup qui voulait changer de couleur

2009 • 32 pages


Average rating1


This book could have been a great way for kids to learn the different days of the week and some colors, but there were too many wrong messages in the books to even consider recommending it.

The day the wolf decides to wear pink, he looks at himself in the mirror and realizes with utter disgust that he looks like a princess. This is unacceptable! It is saying that looking like a women is ugly and horrible! Then, the next day, he covered himself in brown mud and hates looking all brown. Finally, he decides to hurt a peacock by removing all of his features to look handsome. And then something really weird happens... There are so many female wolves walking around him -because of how beautiful he has become- that he decides to finally accept his natural color.

What is even this book? So many toxic gender stereotypes and wrong ways to teach kids to love themselves the way they are.

Read and reviewed: 2018-10-23

October 23, 2018Report this review