Cover 2

Leo Loves Aries

2016 • 318 pages


Average rating4


"When will you start making sense, Theo?" - an apt summary of this. I loved a lot of this. I also have a lot of BUTS.

Theo isn't generally dim, BUT he is when it comes to Jamie. This man is as oblivious as it gets. He crafted a narrative in his head(Jamie being into Leone) and just ran with it, disregarding all evidence to the contrary.

Theo is generally expressive, BUT cops out a lot when it comes to telling Jamie how he feels. Even at the end, it has to be dragged out of him.

I love a slow-to-get-it MC as much as the next girl, BUT Theo is a discovery. I always hate when an MC needs to have it pointed out to him that he's in love. Fumble all you want, but I NEED you to get it on your own. Focus, people!

Jamie is absolutely a green flag MC, BUT he coddled Theo a bit too much, in a bit too many ways. He mommies him. And judging by his past, this is his MO. I can't wait for them to have kids so he can focus his parental energy on that. He'd make an amazing dad.

These two work great as friends, BUT I didn't feel the sexual chemistry. Okay. Not quite true. I felt it in the before. Before things got physical. The emotional pining they had. Real yearners. But once things got physical, meh. I didn't feel the sparks.

Their sex scenes read like friends with benefits scenes. Which would be okay, given this is what they were telling themselves, and I felt more of the yearning from Jamie(which is honestly wild, given we only had Theo's perspective) but I wanted to feel it from both ends, and I don't feel like I got that.

The love got declared, BUT the process was too drawn out and convoluted. Who makes you wait days? AFTER making you wait months while he played catch-up? Theo. That's who. TELL THAT MAN, YOU LOVE HIM, ALREADY!


I feel like there's so many bits I didn't quite love, BUT I honestly enjoyed the book overall. I couldn't put it down till it was done.

I loved the writing and the humor. Maybe I'll be trying another in this series.