Let It Bleed
1995 • 360 pages


Average rating4


★ ★ ★ ★ 1/2 (rounded up)
This originally appeared at The Irresponsible Reader.

He stood there shivering after the warmth of the pub and his car. He was a few yards from where the boys had jumped. The area was cordoned off with metal barriers, anchored by sandbags. Two yellow metal lamps marked off the danger area. Someone had climbed over the barriers and laid a small wreath next to the broken rail, weighing it down with a rock so it wouldn't be blown away. He looked up at the nearest of the two vast supports, red lights blinking at its summit as a warning to aircraft. He didn't really feel very much, except a bit lonely and sorry for himself. The Forth was down there, as judgmental as Pilate. It was funny the things that could kill you: water, a ship's hull, steel pellets from a plastic case. It was funny that some people actually chose to die.

“I could never do it,” Rebus said out loud. “I couldn't kill myself.”

Which didn't mean he hadn't thought of it. It was funny the things you thought about some nights. It was all so funny, he felt a lump forming in his throat. It's only the drink, he thought. It's the drink makes me maudlin. It's only the drink.

Let it Bleed

Let it Bleed

Let it Bleed

August 10, 2017Report this review