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Let's Cut Paper! Amazing Animals

Let's Cut Paper! Amazing Animals



Average rating5


When I first started to hear about skills books like cutting and stickers and paste I rolled my eyes thinking why would you need a book for that? I do not remember learning to use scissors it was just something that was. After using this book with my daughter I think it's amazing. Using the thick lines and gently improving the skill level is so important and probably would have gotten over a lot of unnecessary frustration if I had just later given her scissors and just “here cut it”. Learning to cut straight is one thing, then the skill of opening the scissors and moving them to cut further down the line is another, then add onto that curves and change of directions! Let's Cut Paper! is a great tool for teaching scissor skills and using something like this makes me feel a lot better about what she's doing, plus with the little activities at a time, she is so proud of herself. :)

This one is Amazing Animals, each page is something related to an animal and that adds such a flavor of excitement and fun. There appears to also be other choices such as Food Fun and the originals of Let's Cute Paper! and More Let's Cut Paper! Is it silly that I want them all?

Thanks to Kumon for providing samples for review.

July 24, 2012Report this review