Average rating3.8
One year and half ago, I suscribed to the Nerd Fitness Academy and followed the path proposed on the website. This led me to some dramatical changes in my life helping me to improve myself, my health and mind. One year later I bought this book but postponed its reading, as I was going through some personal stuffs. One month ago I've made what the Academy call a “respawn” and decided to take everything back to zero. This book helped me get things back on track but with a greater view, by seeing things ahead, on a higher level than what I had done in the past, helping me setting real goals I wanted to achieve and hard-based steps that I have to follow to reach them. At the moment I cannot tell if I'll reach them, but based on my experience in the last days and month, the goals in my mind are way clearer and stronger than ever before, thanks to this book :)