Life After Life
2013 • 544 pages


Average rating3.7


The main character of Life After Life, Ursula Todd, was born in England on February 11, 1910, and when she dies she is reborn to live her life again. The book follows Ursula, and her family, friends, and relationships as she lives her many lives, making small changes in each that have larger consequences. I enjoyed Kate Atkinson's writing style a lot – rich in detail, immersing you in the settings and period. Spanning both World Wars, this is not a light-hearted read, although Atkinson supplies occasional moments of dark humor. I found the book a little slow to get moving but compelling once I got into it. I was worried after the first chapter that the book's ambitions were limited but happy to find the opposite. It's an exploration of fate, choice and consequence, and one that I have found more interesting the more I reflect on it.

September 10, 2013Report this review