Life on the Refrigerator Door

Life on the Refrigerator Door

2007 • 240 pages


Average rating4


As someone who has had a parent die from cancer and currently has the other parent dying from an illness (and possibly be soon diagnosed with cancer) this book hit me so hard.
I was only 5 when my father died from cancer and you wouldn't think I have regrets because I was so young but I do. I wish I talked to him (I'm mute) instead of just clinging to him and hugging him, he tried to get me to sing on the karaoke machine with my sister but I refused but that didn't stop him from trying everyday!
It's crazy how I would still have my dad today if doctors did their jobs. They diagnosed my dad with skin cancer and said they would cut his toe off, the delayed it and delayed it and even told my dad it was getting worse and they would cut it off soon but they still delayed him and wouldn't tell him why. They told him to deal with it and be patient. Next thing they told him is that he had a couple months to live because his toe didn't come off. They had no excuse to why they just didn't cut it off, they were rude doctors who didn't even feel sorry that he died.

Now my mother, she has MS and is in bed 24/7. She's currently in hospital with broken bones and internal bleeding. She's getting checked for breast cancer and it's most likely she has it. I'm her full time carer and it's horrible to see a parent dying right in front of you.
She has maybe a couple years left and then she will join my dad in heaven.

This book hit me too hard and emotionally wrecked me.

August 4, 2020Report this review