Little Doll
2014 • 326 pages


Average rating4


I've read plenty of kidnap and torture books and this one followed the same pattern as most that I have read...a woman in the wrong place at the wrong time and taken because she is connected to someone and needs to pay off a debt...with her body.
It was violent and abusive towards women (even the ones who seemed to want to be there were treated badly) and all of the men were over-the-top alphas all fighting for the right to take Laila under their wing for “training”.
It was an ok read for me and did end on a predictable cliffhanger (I knew what would happen but still don't know who the good and bad guys really are yet) but I'm not sure I want to buy another book to find out.

** 4 ** “paying for her brother's sins” stars

July 27, 2016Report this review