Little White Lies
2018 • 392 pages


Average rating3.7


Every series by Jennifer Lynn Barnes stars the exact same protagonist, regardless of the name - a clever, sarcastic, brilliant teenage girl with cutting wit. She's always lost one or both parents. She's poor but is suddenly whisked away in a life where she is surrounded by luxury. She is self contained and slow to trust since she's either never had family or has lost it, but over the course of the book comes to find her real family, true and/or metaphorical. She's always surrounded by the same sidekicks, all who are also teenagers who speak in a way no real teenager does. At least one likes explosions and at least one is very socially inept. And of course there's a handsome boy who is too noble for his own good.
And maybe that would be a problem, if they weren't all so damn fun and enjoyable, and with pretty interesting and unique stories and narrative. It's ok for me that the protagonist of every series is basically the same, because I want MORE of that protagonist. I really enjoy reading every single series by her.

February 27, 2023Report this review