

2014 • 352 pages


Average rating3.1


Overall:A fast paced YA appropriate Science Fiction story with plenty of food for thought about our role in society and how our experiences shape who we are. After 1st Reading: A great adventure story that would be great for YA readers but has a lot of good food for thought for older readers. It's great to have a real modern SF story for YAs that isn't just near-future Dystopian Hunger Games. This has space ships and deep questions about the organisation of society, a good and exciting step into the world of SF - I could almost believe this was a YA by [a:Alastair Reynolds 51204 Alastair Reynolds https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1521740247p2/51204.jpg] .After 2nd Reading I agree with what I said before, but this time round I was really struck by how much detail and discussion about self determination and government types was included. Good Science Fiction always has a balance between a good story that pulls you forward and thought experiments that make you question. I remembered that this book had a great fun story with an interesting idea - I'd forgotten just how thought provoking it was too.

June 11, 2014Report this review