Looking for Lovedu

Looking for Lovedu



Average rating4


Ann Jones sets off across Africa in search of Lovedu.

And what is this Lovedu that so intrigues this seasoned journalist?

Lovedu is an old African civilization in which the chief is a woman. Unlike most of Africa. Unlike most of the rest of the world.

So Ann Jones sets out in search of this mythic place, traveling across Africa with a reckless and impulsive young male driver to accompany her and complement her more sedate, less knowledgeable-about-Africa older self. Along the way, they bog down in muddy roads, are accosted by greedy border guards, desperately seek edible food and replacement car parts, and, generally speaking, have lots of exciting and dangerous adventures.

Ann Jones finds Lovedu. I don't think I am giving anything away in telling you this. But I'll let you see for yourself what the Lovedu she finds is like.

March 2, 2012Report this review