Love After Love

Love After Love

2020 • 336 pages


Average rating3.8


Ok, so honestly speaking I initially gave up on this book after just a few pages. The lack of speech marks annoyed me and I just didn't feel the book.

But fast forward a day, after I'd caught up on my other books, I came back to this to give it a second go and let me tell you, I am so glad I did! If I'd had a copy of the book I would have read it in one go. As it was I read it on the Pigeonhole app and the way they do it is releasing a stave a day, so after I'd finished reading one stave, I had to wait (very impatiently) until the next one was released!

Anyway, I digress. Back to the book, the characters were immensely likeable and you found yourself really rooting for them. You wanted them to get their happiness. It had everything from love, to friendship, to forgiveness, to heartbreak. You really went through a rollercoaster of emotions!

I would highly recommend this to anyone! It really is a fantastic read!

March 31, 2020Report this review