2021 • 287 pages


Average rating5


You know how sometimes you read a book and it is exactly what you need? This is that book for me. I eagerly turned every page (yes, paperback, baby!) and read late into the night. Mabel is the sweetest person ever and it was so brilliant to see her grow. Wally, man, I thought I was in for a grumpy, sexy guy that was going to push my buttons and annoy me—in a, I need more of this way lol. Instead, I got the swooniest guy ever, and I was here for it! He's going on my top book boyfriends list for sure.

Erin's writing is captivating and funny—I'm talking laugh out loud hilarious—but it is also heartfelt. There were some underlying things happening or discussed that really had me high-fiving, nodding, and shedding a tear or two.

As a non-bug lover, I wasn't sure how I was going to do with this book, but I was surprised that not only was I not creeped out but the info on bugs was really interesting in the way it was presented and part of the story. It blended really well with the character and her quirks.

This book hits quite a few tropes. But not in the sense that it's a huge part of the story but in that something happens and you sit there and think, oooh, that could fall into this trope or that.

This is a must read. In fact, in a day or two, I'm going to listen to the audiobook. That's how much I loved it. Plus, I gotta hear Erin perform some of these scenes.

Side note: Dearest Mabel, I am with you on the C word. I got you, girlfriend!

February 12, 2021Report this review