Lucifer's Shadow
2002 • 288 pages


Average rating3


So... White Wolf used to be a major force on my life, and it's fixing to become one again. I found this and a bunch of other novelizations of the various WW branches in my local used book store. I made myself buy only 2. This was a challenge.

It's not a great book. It's a lot of sex and violence wrapped in the cover of RPG mechanics. At one point, it contains one of the greatest typos ever invoving the misspelling of heroin for heroine. I had a great time reading it. If you enjoy playing Demon and reading about sex and violence wrapped in the cover of RPG mechanics, you'll also have a good time reading it. If you don't, no one will think less of you. This is a book for WW fans and really no one else, but it has given me some fun thoughts about where to take my new character, and that is what it is meant to do, anyway.

April 16, 2016Report this review