Cover 7

Mad Man

2022 • 296 pages


Average rating3.3


these books are what i imagine doing hard drugs feels like.

i definitely enjoyed avi's story more than asa's, man has BIG golden retriever energy, plus the feral cat energy from felix? truly adorable. i'm on the fence though with my rating a few days after finishing it. i think there was so much buildup to avi and felix's story that it was a total rush to finally read, and i love them both a lot. but i sorta found this particular book's case to be the weakest of the whole series, and that part has been a huge thing that brings the enjoyment for me. also i think due to the nature of this relationship having been already teased in previous books, i almost wished there was more slow burn, we hit the ground RUNNING page 1. and i think i only felt that negatively because the specific case in this book felt so weak. i haven't minded the fast nature of all the previous relationships in the books but i felt like the investigation and unfolding of the cases were what balanced it. and this one felt off.

also on the side, i totally get teasing/planning for the final book with aiden and thomas but i'm really on the fence with that one. it was interesting to see more of them through the eyes of other characters in this book but i also was like damn we're talking about aiden and thomas AGAIN like i just don't really care and probably won't until we actually read from their perspectives directly, soz. felt weirdly forced to me.

and not to be horny on main (i mean i AM posting that i read these books so that ship has already sailed) but like. don't tease me with avi and felix switching and then not give it. like. taps foot impatiently?? hello?????? i would have literally lost my last remaining braincell if avi had bottomed, we deserve this, let them be switches RATTLES THE BARS OF MY CAGE

tws: self harm, blood play, child sexual abuse mention, gang rape of a minor, torture, drug abuse

April 17, 2022Report this review