3.5 stars
Thank you to the author for providing me with an ecopy of this book as part of this blog tour. When I read the synopsis for this book I thought it sounded like something I could end up liking. I then saw it was a cozy mystery which made me a little skeptical. Here's the thing I have only read a handful of cozy mysteries and I've only liked the ones by one specific author and they are all in one series. So after agreeing to review this one I was worried going into it but I ended up liking it in the end. The author hooked me and made me want to find out who dun it which I ended up being able to guess probably about halfway through but there were some surprises thrown in there. It was a little heavy on the religious themes but for me personally that didn't bother me. I didn't really connect with any of the characters and the I found the main character Maggie Dove to be very Judgmental and hard to like at first. The plot of this book is what kept me reading. This sounds like the start of a series and I could see my self reading more books in the series but I wouldn't be in any hurry to get to them. Overall this was a quick easy read that I ended up enjoying more than I thought I would.