Average rating4
I wasn't sure that Kate Daniels could be more amazing, but once again I've been proven wrong! This book is even better than the first. Our heroine is back! Her sarcastic, strong and utterly likable personality is intact, and even more honed this time. I'm always a sucker for kick-ass female leads, but Kate takes the cake. Not only is she able to handle herself, but she does it for the love and protection of others. I profess to follow Kate until the ends of the Earth! Or, until the end of the series.
The reader is reintroduced to modern day Atlanta. A world filled with magic, rife with both wondrous and deadly creatures. This time around there's a Celtic twist, and I thought that Ilona Andrews did a wonderful job of tying it in with the plot. It makes for an intriguing read. If you are an action rubbernecker, one that loves to see things heading for complete disaster, Magic Burns will be sure to please! The climax of this book almost killed me. It was perfection. Insane, amazing, perfection.
This installment also brings the sexual tension between Kate and Curran even more into the forefront. I think what I love most about Kate is that she doesn't pine over the men around her. She might be able to see herself in bed with them (I mean, who wouldn't?) but she's not a “love at first sight” kind of gal. I can tell that the relationship between these two is going somewhere, but I'm loving the slow, steady and wit-filled build up that it's taking. There are some definite milestone moments in Magic Burns, but I'll leave those for you to uncover.
Best of all, Andrews adds to her roster of characters, and they are all vividly written. Each one brings a new facet into Kate's life. Most notably added are Julie and Bran. Again, no spoilers here! Let's just say that they both bring their own unique problems to the table. It allows Kate to once again show how much she cares about the people in her life. She knows that when people get close to her they are in peril, and she'll do whatever it takes to protect them.
To be honest, I had no idea how much I was going to love this series when I first started it! After two books I'm already completely invested in Kate, her world, and all the other characters in it. Ilona Andrews is an expert at writing a story that will keep you reading ravenously. You need to pick this Urban Fantasy series up as soon as possible! In the meantime, I'll be moving on to the third book.