Magic Kingdom For Sale/Sold

Magic Kingdom For Sale/Sold

2010 • 352 pages


Average rating4


I debated giving this book five stars because of how it got me to think. I would say four and a half is accurate. Stories that get me to see real life more clearly have more value to me.

This story addressed fear. Fear of failure, fear of the past, and fear of the future. Brooks illustrates how these fears gang up together and how they can rule one's choices and course of life. He also illustrates how one can choose to be free of this slavery. Of course this is always easier in story than real life.

What I liked:
- The message about facing fears.
- Illustration of true kingship. (A true king lives to serve and give himself to his people.)
- The story telling. It's a unique style, but I found the way Brooks tells parts of the story entertaining and engaging.
- A strong woman who isn't helpless. It takes a real man to live with a real woman.
- It isn't a happily ever after book.

What I didn't like:
- Some of the telling runs long.
- I expected more humor. Looking back, I'm glad there wasn't because it would cheapen the fear illustration, but at first I was wondering when it would get funny.

Overall a good read. I imagine other books in the series will be entertaining, but it will be hard to live up to this one.

April 1, 2016Report this review