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Mail Order Mix Up

Mail Order Mix Up


Average rating2


This series has been a middle of the road series for me. Not awesome, but also not bad. They're short stories (roughly 150 pages) and since I've been in a mail order bride kick lately and they're on Kindle Unlimited, they're fitting the bill.

However, this book just didn't work for me. I think it mostly could have done with more editing. The story is the first of two focused on two sisters who move to Colorado to marry two brothers as mail order brides. Based on letters, the girls pick their future husbands. But when they arrives, everyone is attracted to the wrong person. Believe me, it's complicated. And it felt that Ms Osbourne was confused as well. There were several times I had to re-read passages because wrong names were used.

All in all, I found that I didn't care about either of the sisters or brothers and I'll be skipping the next book in the series because it focuses on the other couple and enough of their story was in this book.

I will continue this series (it's ridiculously long) in hopes that it gets better. But this one just really missed the mark for me.

August 11, 2019Report this review