Make You Mine
2018 • 314 pages

This book was sweet, and perfect for the mood I was in today. This author's writing is always top notch, and this book was no different. It was well paced. It is told in a dual POV format. The plot was engaging. Romantic. Sweet. Heartbreaking. Funny. Charming. The angst wasn't over the top, but there was a bit. There was a smidge of OW drama. Neither slept with other people while they were apart. That said, it is mentioned the hero tried to date once, and it was a “disaster,” and the heroine goes on a date when the hero comes back, but the hero shows up in the middle of it.

It had a fantastic cast of secondary characters. I LOVED Ruby. She made me laugh my butt off, and I can't wait to read her book! I also think Ralph and his almond obsessed ass needs an HEA (lol). Both Gray and Drew were very likable main characters. Last, it was all wrapped up in a lovely ending.

So why not 5-Stars? I felt like Drew did all the work trying to keep the relationship going. She was the one always pursuing Gray. Always trying to convince Gray. Always waiting around for Gray. Always defending Gray. I get the guy was dealing with stuff, but after the second disappearing act where he ghosted her AGAIN, this time for six weeks , he should have had to work a little to get back into her good graces. Instead, she just took him right back. So yeah, that annoyed me enough that it lowered my rating a bit.

Overall though, this was a fantastic read, and I enjoyed it a lot!

November 29, 2018Report this review