Malibu Burning
2023 • 304 pages


Average rating3.7


What can I say about this? If it were a Limited Series on Netflix I'd be all over this. I'd have it playing in the background while I did a crossword and call myself happy. Actually reading this is quite ... another experience. Not my wheelhouse but I'm open to trying new things (even if I don't continue).

The “problem” for me with saying that I enjoyed this was that the MC, Sharpe & Walker, who in this first installment are being setup as a Felix & Oscar/Burt & Ernie duo for an ongoing series are, at least to me, unappealing. I don't care to know anything else about them. I don't hate them. I just don't care to know them further.

The “villain” that, first Walker, and then Sharpe & Walker as team pursue is the hero we're all rooting for. He's a good person. The victims of his crimes are pretty despicable.

Anyway ... if this is your thing you may enjoy it. It's not for me but I can see how the construction works and appreciate it for what it is. If there's a series made I'll make the popcorn.

November 1, 2023Report this review