Cover 5

Marrow Charm

2019 • 346 pages


Average rating4


I can see why this book won an award in 2015 (The Watty's). I was immediately drawn in. By the world and Azzy. Mankind has gone underground because magic has tainted and twisted the Above. But even still, Azzy goes above ground for the herbs needed by her people and their crumbling underground city. Armin, her brother, has never been but once he's cast out, Azzy would never let him go alone. Things go awry just about as soon as they get up there. The book kept a pretty consistent beat with the action. Just when I thought it would dip, things would get intense again.

My one issue would be that I would have liked a bit more info on how it all came to be. I DO NOT need to be spoon fed 1,001 background details or endless chapters of info dump. The author just really got me interested in not just the characters but the whole of the world she is building.

January 5, 2021Report this review