

Average rating1


I read this a little while ago and thought long and hard about to wether to rate it or not because as I've said before I don't set out to purposely hate read and this isn't even crazy-sauce, off-the-rails bad. Those are funny. No. It was just bad or maybe not for me. I'll take that.

But seriously when did Barbara Cartland start writing BDSM erotica and is the male MC a Dom or a vampire and then our Missy Weaver is no plain Jane submissive. Nope she's the most. Ever. In other words a doormat. Just for her I'm adding Too Stupid To Live shelf.

Again this might be someone else's catnip but for me it more like an emetic.
Sorry. :-(
For a better review see Mindy (Naughty Book Snitch). Perfect.

October 10, 2015Report this review