Mecha Samurai Empire
2018 • 466 pages


Average rating4.2


What if the Axis truly won?????? The world would have been a darker, bloodier and more technologically advance.........

World War II was the bloodiest and most heinous time in the short span of human history, two of the world's best(technology and strategy, sadly racist)tried and almost succeeded in conquering the whole world, honestly reading all the battles, Germany's blitzkrieg tactics, Japan's fierceness(kamikaze), it was a wonder the Allies won, there were significant events that pave the way for both countries defeat(for me), the bombing of Pearl Harbour(galvanized the US into entering the War, Japan now had an opponent in the sea, where they were the master)and Russia's winter(completely stopped Germany's plan to control the whole of Europe)........even with all of these D-Day was still the most important hour of all......

Reading both books(United States of Japan was the first volume), I remember again and again all of those mentioned above, truly the human race is the most fearsome opponent of itself, imagine thinking of ways to kill en masse just because you are not German or Japanese, the author portrayed both people in their most sadistic and racist glory, every beginning until the middle point of the book, we see the awfulness of our race, and you might think it gets old, but no it enhances the story, and teaches you how lucky our reality is compared to the books.........

Enough of the gloom and doom, the first book was a trial of writing(I guess to introduce Mr. Tieryas' universe and style of writing), We see the start of both Empires, the budding technology, and eventually those against them, the first book was a bit slow moving, a lot of first(I guess), breaking ideas, the second book, it deals with the surety of both Empires, of course you can never, ever have two Alphas as they say, the one or the other will have an itch that it cannot scratch, until both empires collide, this was the basis of the second book, the itch to be the only Empire remaining, technology becomes more advance(warfare), sadly humanity suffers more, I only wish the characters introduced in the first book continued to the second one, the pacing is still the same but we now have more meat to the bone, the fights are better, more intense........I can say the first book was the stone age of this universe, the second one, the modern age.......and boy the third book(alrready started)the space age..........narration is more fluid, characters are better or more diabolical......

April 28, 2020Report this review