-180 • 254 pages


Average rating4.2


I've finished this book for the first time at 19. Sadly, against advice, I've read this book as the first stoic work I've been in touch with. I feel as if I would've understood some philosophical ideas in it better if I understood the philosophy of stoicism and Roman religion better.

I look forward to finding out more about those subjects and eventually reading this book again, when I'm both older and potentially more knowledgeable.

I've read the Gregory Hays' translation and it was very approachable and understandable. One of the things which I found most impactful is the explanation of how much referenced work doesn't exist anymore, and in the index of persons, how many referenced persons aren't known about anymore.

If anything, that demonstrated Marcus's points perfectly.

Fascinating read.

December 8, 2019Report this review