Cover 5

Meeting of the Board

Meeting of the Board



Average rating4


This is a parody of corporate management in a world where unions own the means of production and the managers are treated like factory workers.Faced with a corporate system that is breaking down - workers want immediate dividends rather than investments in developing new products - management goes on strike to readjust the power between management and unions.

As I read this short story, I felt that it had a dated feel, almost as if it had been written in the 1950s. That feeling seems to have been correct as Nourse was an author who died in the 1990s and had his heyday in the mid-twentieth century. Interestingly, Nourse wrote a story called “Bladerunner” based on a nightmare of socialized medicine, where medicine is rationed and illegal, underground medical practitioners, called “Bladerunners,” provide free-market medicine for the underclass.

This is a very short, amusing trifle.

March 26, 2016Report this review