Memories of Ice
2001 • 945 pages


Average rating4.6


Executive Summary: Easily my favorite book in the series so far. Things just seem to click for me, and really enjoyed this book start to finish.Full ReviewWith the third book in the series we return to Genabackis, and most of the characters from the [b:Gardens of the Moon 55399 Gardens of the Moon (The Malazan Book of the Fallen, #1) Steven Erikson 2646042] with some new additions (because in epic fantasy, one can't have too many characters).I'm not sure what it about this book, maybe it's because it's my 3rd Malazan book. Maybe it's the return to the characters of [b:Gardens of the Moon 55399 Gardens of the Moon (The Malazan Book of the Fallen, #1) Steven Erikson 2646042] I liked much better than the characters in [b:Deadhouse Gates 55401 Deadhouse Gates (The Malazan Book of the Fallen, #2) Steven Erikson 3898716]. It could just be the plot of this one is more compelling. Whatever the reason, this is was a really great book for me.We are finally introduced what appears to be the main antagonist. The Malazans now set their sights East and a new war brewing from the new empire of the Pannion Domin.Now instead of being the invading force in Genabackis, Dujek and Whiskeyjack are leading the Malazans and his Bridgeburners to defend some of the coastal cities.They are unable to do this alone. Alliances must be forged, and people rallied. The horrors of the Pannion Domin make the previous fights over first Pale and later Darujhistan seem like a walk in the park by comparison.Quick Ben is easily my favorite character in the series so far, and he gets even more bad-ass in this book. When living in a world of constant war, gods and demi-gods, it takes a certain kind arrogance for a human to throw himself in with the big boys and expect to triumph.A great new addition to the cast was Gruntle, caravan leader. His story starts off on the slow side, but really gains momentum as the book progresses.This book also offers more insight into many characters who were on the periphrial in [b:Gardens of the Moon 55399 Gardens of the Moon (The Malazan Book of the Fallen, #1) Steven Erikson 2646042]. Caladan Brood for one.Finally we meet the Grey Cloaks, mercenaries, and disciples of Fener, the god of war. They have been hired to defend the city of Capustan from the Pannion Domin. The Shield Anvil, Itkovian, is an especially compelling character.All in all, a great book. I'm sad that I'll be leaving most (all?) of these characters behind as I continue on with [b:House of Chains 55398 House of Chains (Malazan Book of the Fallen, #4) Steven Erikson 836472]. I'd give this book a 4.5 if I could, but it had a few slower parts early on as things are being set up that make me reluctant to give it a 5.