Average rating3.6
Okay, let's jump into this duet. I started this one with lower expectations as I read one book by this author and wasn't a huge fan. This duet though is pretty funny – I mean, you have to be okay with the dark stuff, but yeah there are some great moments. I was surprised how often I smiled. Lorenzo is not a good guy, at all, but he sure is funny.
Now, again it is dark, so let's throw out a cw: death, murder, rape, abuse, child neglect, child abuse, assault, trauma, forced prostitution, statutory rape, etc.
This book is dark and gritty. Both characters have gone/are going through trauma. There is a mystery here though, there are so many questions that kept me on my toes wondering why Morgan does what she does. It is heartbreaking at times, but this couple? They are a powerhouse when they actually work together.
I laughed, I cried, I immediately went from book one to book two and had the hardest time putting the books down. When an author can make me laugh when reading a book this dark, I know I've found something special. I'll definitely be trying them out again.