Cover 6

Mercy Bound Released

Mercy Bound Released: Complete Trilogy



Average rating4


This cover is alright. It's a little boring. The book was so f@cked up it needs a cover that reflects that! lol The composition is slightly off. I would have moved the author's name to under “THE COMPLETE TRILOGY.” I do like the way the designer did the title.

Somehow saying I enjoyed this one sounds ALL kinds of wrong. It was like jumping on the depraved train to crazyville. Enjoy it I did though (for the most part). This may be the darkest “romance” book I have read to date. That said, I wouldn't really call this romance. More like movie type horror porn.

I was sucked in from page one, and like a train wreck, I could not look away. I am pretty sure every character in this book was f@cked up majorly. I found it well written. It had a nice pace to it. It had twists and turns. It had hot sex scenes (if slightly disturbing). It had murder. It had gore (seriously DO NOT eat while reading this book). It had ZERO likable characters, but they were certainly INTERESTING characters.

So why not 5-Stars you ask? I wasn't a fan of the ending. Obviously, I didn't expect unicorns farting rainbows, but I found the last few chapters confusing and full of unanswered questions that I really wanted the answers to. That said, there is going to be a spin-off book (and I will be ALL over it) featuring Julian, so perhaps those questions will be addressed in that book.

This one gets two depraved thumbs up from me but heed the hell out of those warnings. If you have any triggers at all just looking at this book will send you into shock. lol If you love your books on the dark and twisted side then this one will be right up your alley!

April 9, 2017Report this review