Messianismo e Milenarismo no Brasil

Messianismo e Milenarismo no Brasil

2015 • 274 pages


Average rating0.5


Note: I only read the essay by Marcia Honoria de Godoy, called "O Desejado e o Encoberto: Potências de Movimento de um Mito Andarilho."

Where exactly is the scholarship? Where are the citations, where is the evidence?

Godoy's essay on Sebastian is nearly entirely citationless, and what citations he does offer do nothing to support his actual claims, merely offering reference to the documents which he misinterprets. He seems to have a strangely naïve view of history. His long passages on the (historically nonexistent) relationship between Camões and Dom Sebastião are frankly bizarre, as are his strange adulations towards Sebastian himself. It is surreal to find outright embrasure of the idea that Sebastian's body disappeared, or that there was any actual factual reasoning for the sebastianismo movement, when we have Dom Sebastião's body and, in fact, have had Dom Sebastião's body since he fell outside of Alcácer-Quibir: he's currently interred in Lisbon, and has been for centuries, and any argument otherwise is poor scholarship that buys into the self-same movement an academic like Godoy should know better than perpetuate.

Worse still, is also excedingly strange to find what appear to be thinly veiled monarchist opinions in a book published by EdUSP in 2015.

February 16, 2024Report this review