Cover 8


Mission: Destructor


Average rating3


I felt I had to rush this last one, when I started reading the first one, I thought nice, cool opponents, human ingenuity saves the day, second one, same result, better opponents gargantuan possibilities, human ingenuity again saves the day, and so forth and so on........unfortunately, I was truly saddened that these gargantuan possibilities, remained possiblities, from book three until the last book, as I have said again and again, so many ideas and concepts could have been written, but I guess the author was in a hurry......

So Destructor, the title already gave you the idea of how book seven is going to end(hahahhahah, although you still have to read it, that is why the series was not a total loss), Human ingenuity, if used for preservation, wonders never cease, if used for destruction.......well we all know where that lead to, anyway back to the novel, so the bigger they are, the harder they fall, never has this been true, we finally see or I think we are given the description of the Creator and his opponent the Watcher, the concept truly boggles the mind, the size of his domain, the fleet that it can muster, I felt there was something missing with the narrative, Mr. James was able to heighten the tension and the strength of opponent, but a bomb again........this feels so flat.........there were some new things that was again introduced, why not use that ,or the collaboration of Human, Estral and Ghast intelligence.......after reading the last few lines, I really felt robbed, my expectation squashed...........

All in all a good series..........I just wished............

November 12, 2019Report this review