Mission to Mars: My Vision for Space Exploration

Mission to Mars: My Vision for Space Exploration



Average rating3


Buzz Aldrin is a pretty fantastic guy. I got to hear him speak at my semi-local library when his handler wasn't cutting him off for telling inappropriate stories. I still want to know about the iguanas, lady! Who cares if there are children present?

This book outlines Buzz's vision of both privately-funded and government space exploration with the ultimate goal of getting settlers to Mars. It's written simply enough (and with lots of pictures) that a non-scientist like myself can understand it and is well sourced among Buzz's fellow genius colleagues. He addresses both the science and the funding aspect to propose a very different mission from our space exploration forays of the past, one based on collaboration and long-term thinking rather than competitive races.

I'm not versed enough to speak to the validity of his claims, but as a fan of science and science fiction, I can say it's an intriguing future, and one I hope I live to see.

October 31, 2015Report this review