Modern Leader

Modern Leader


Average rating5


JeVon McCormick, the CEO of Scribe Media, isn't your average CEO. He didn't grow up with the country club set, learning how to present himself and move in polite society. In Modern Leader, he shares how he got to where he is now and how his upbringing and experiences have shaped his philosophy of leadership.

I normally write All the Wordy Words about books. With this book, I just can't. I'd have to put the whole book here for you, because it is chock full of McCormick's hard-won insights and wisdom.

Ask yourself: Why do individuals feel the need to edit themselves to fit into our organizations?

Why don't we instead edit our organizations to better fit individuals?

Jevon McCormick, Modern Leader
His philosophy is pretty simple (not necessarily easy to implement, but simple): Ask questions. Listen. Hold yourself accountable. Lead by serving your company, your customers, and the people who work for you. And it is working, because everything I've heard about Scribe Media is overwhelmingly positive. The company is growing. Clearly, his putting People First is doing something right!

If more leaders subscribed to JeVon McCormick's ideas, work might not be such a slog for so many people. The world has changed. Is changing. Will continue to change. The “right” degree, the “right” background, those are no longer the only (and maybe not even the best) qualifications that will indicate the talent someone may bring to a role. Leadership has got to adjust and change its focus, and McCormick provides a guide that shows how to get it done.

If you're a leader, or if you just want to improve your ability to communicate and be mindful in your interactions, you need to read this book. I'd like to gift a copy to all the leaders I know.

(Also, if anyone from Scribe is reading this, I would love the opportunity to work with y'all.)

July 8, 2022Report this review