2021 • 394 pages


Average rating3.5


This is where I ended up dropping this series. It was decent overall, but it's becoming more and more of a slog to read through as it stagnates. The author took too much influence from JP light novels, so there are pages and pages of fluff that do nothing but advance the pagecount. I do not want a 2-page detailed review of how Boxxy going from level 24 ditch digging to level 25 ditch digging is incredible. For every tangent the author goes on, he then goes on another sub-tangent, as the need to explain every little detail about everything seemingly compels him to do. Whenever skills, leveling up, or other insignificant details come up, my eyes just glaze over and I skip forward until the author finally decides to talk about the plot again. This problem has been here since book 1, but I was hoping it would get better instead of getting worse.

June 27, 2023Report this review