Mosh Potatoes

Mosh Potatoes

2010 • 272 pages


Average rating4


So, one would think that Heavy Metal musicians would be terrible cooks. This line of thinking is horrifically wrong. Considering that at various points in their careers most musicians end up on tight budgets, the ability to cook becomes something of a necessity. Thus, they tend to come up with interesting recipes of their own.

This leads to this book, which is basically a collection of recipes which aren't necessarily complicated to prepare, generally aren't expensive, and which don't use a lot of dishes. Some of the recipes could be described as “advanced bachelor cooking”, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. The recipes do err on the side of spicy, but as someone who likes spicy food, I don't really have a problem with that.

This book has one minor problem that isn't exactly a problem. While some of the contributors have figured out the proportions of the ingredients in their recipes so they can be reasonably re-created by someone else, others aren't. Consequently, I've encountered a few recipes where I felt kind of lost without some idea what the end result should look like.

Otherwise, I'd say this is a really good cookbook for the aspiring home chef - particularly ones who like spice, like heavy metal, or both.

December 30, 2013Report this review