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Most Valuable Playboy

Most Valuable Playboy


Average rating4.3


Just when I think Lauren Blakely can't write anything more entertaining than the book before, she comes out with another amazing book. Her writing is so easy to get lost in, she builds a world for you to dive into and that you never want to leave. I wanted to go hang out with Cooper and Violet. Lauren's writing always hits me with all the feels, I laughed, man, so many laughs in this book. I also shed a few tears... I couldn't help it. It had sweet moments too. I just can't believe it took me so long to finally get my ears on this one. Note to self: Don't make LB's characters wait.

This book is fantastic! It's a fake romance but it's also a sports romance. The combination of the two is genius. It works so well. As a football (yes, I do mean American Football) fan I loved the sports aspect of the story, I really enjoyed the fact that the sport wasn't an afterthought, it played a part in the story, it's not just a sports romance because the character happens to be a football player. I love that it's all told from Cooper's POV.

I loved these characters. All of them. I'm looking forward to stories from a few of Cooper's teammates in the future... I hope. Pretty please!
Violet was awesome! I just loved her so much. She was smart and funny. Independent and feisty. She was also sweet and able to hold her own in a room full of football players. Vi had such a big heart. I wanna be her friend.
Cooper... swoon! Ok, so I am completely in love with Cooper. He was a sweetheart. His heart was nearly always in the right place and he had so much love to give, whether it be to Vi, or his time at the hospital, he was such a good guy. He was also funny and charming, and a damn fine football player. Sure, I wanted to slap him upside the head a time or two, but mainly I just wanted to hug him... among other erm, fun activities lol.

I just adored the progression of Cooper and Violet's relationship. Watching them go from friends that may have had an inappropriate thought or two, to realising they were in love. It was beautiful. The sexual tension between the characters was palpable and gave the story an edge. I really enjoy that Lauren never fills her books with unnecessary sex scenes, they always make sense to the story and the same happens with this book, it's about half-way, maybe more before anything sexual happens and then the way it was done was utter perfection and I loved it, and of course, once the sexy times start your earphones are at risk of melting.

This book is performed superbly by Zachary Webber. He's always so entertaining and this book was no different. Zachary's performance was wonderful, he hits the comedic moments so perfectly, I can't help but laugh out loud and his delivery of the emotional parts of the story are so heartfelt, I even got a little emotional myself. I really don't think there is an emotion he cannot deliver on. Let's not forget the sexy times, sheesh, talk about panty-melting. The production was smooth, with no issues at all, I really enjoyed the cheering sound effects at the beginning and end of the book.

November 17, 2017Report this review