Average rating3.8
So Joshilyn Jackson has totally become a thriller author now. I'm bummed because I loved her earlier Southern women's fiction ([b:A Grown-Up Kind of Pretty 13526360 A Grown-Up Kind of Pretty Joshilyn Jackson https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1365987724l/13526360.SX50.jpg 15878096], [b:The Almost Sisters 32600726 The Almost Sisters Joshilyn Jackson https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1487958944l/32600726.SY75.jpg 53181435], etc.), but I guess that's not what sells these days. Even in her new genre, she still finds ways to explore interesting relationship dynamics, especially those between mothers and daughters, and the gray areas between good and evil. I couldn't identify with her rich heroine as much as some of her more grounded, hardscrabble ones, but as a mother I was completely caught up in the search for her missing baby. Can't say much about the plot to avoid spoilers, but the fact that I read the whole thing in about 12 hours tells you that her writing style remains compelling.