Average rating4.4
Mother of Learning continues to deliver the solid entertaintment that it promised at the start. The stroy evolves fully into lit-RPG in this second arc, taking the readers on a wild ride that entirely impossible to predict. The plot is intricate, filled with expcetional magic system developmet, while spinning around lovable characters which gives this series a slice of life aspect while being bonkers in other ways. Great read! Fun Ride! Excellent audiobook performace!
My only gripe is that I miss my favorite character (and perhaps the voice of this character in the audiobook), and there hasn't been anyone else to replace this character. I think ending makes up for this and so I think arc 1 and arc 2 are just as good as each other.
Emotional Impact -> What an awesome battle! I lived for this battleeeeeee..... I loved it. Zorian my cute wool. You are the best. Loved the return of the Zach. Enjoyed every moment of Zorian's found family. I suspect that Zach is in love with Zorian. That's exciting! The next arc is going to be AWESOME! (could it be a 5-star review ?, we will see). Characters -> Loved the found family's characters. Zorian and Kirielle's relationship is so endearning, I want a brother like Zorian! I want to be a kid in this family and play with my Gollum dolls. Taiven steals the show in this arc. Very nice! But so many background noise characters... Not many made as much impact. No interesting aranea characters.....Plot -> Lots of fun, great battle, unpredictabe plots.. very well done. This is my highest category. The return of Zach was foreshadowed and executed perfectly. The highs and lows are arranged perfectly for a continuosly enjoyable reading experience. In this regard, I think nobody103 might be better than Sanderson, who focuses too much on the ending and drags in the middle. Prose-> Its better, a slight improvement! Could be even better but competant. Its too story bookish... needs more flair and drama. Worldbuilding -> Loved the magic system. Nothing creative in this book though. A dragon, seriously ? Can't we do anything more creative? And there are no new species to have fun with here.. I am a bit dissapointed.