Mourning Morning

Mourning Morning

2015 • 266 pages


Average rating4


“There is not, has never been and never will be a greater torture than a man being forced to see out his days with only his conscience for company”.

3.5 stars

Honestly, I liked existence is futile better and the fact that Scott used the same name twice did not escape me. In fact, it made me crack up laughing. But this one was good, too.
I think what I liked best about this story is the fact that Scott Andrews reminds me so much of my favourite author “Albert Camus”. That's because of his great use of absurdity and sarcasm in a very new way, both of which are dear to my heart.
I have to admit the story had a lot of, what I thought as I progressed through it, randomness, but no, it doesn't have any randomness at all. You discover that as you reach the end. Instead, what I had really read was a very intricately woven new, unprecedented story with a bunch of mind blowing events leading up to the final breakthrough.That's only a sign of extreme intelligence of writing.
Scott has a huge imagination that helps you really understand that reality is a variable and not a constant. Reality is only what you choose to believe. Even the meaning of time changes from one person to the other in this story.
I have never read anything like this before and I am very proud to admit that. I am very happy that I read something new. I enjoyed this book, because it was a new experience to me, and as a reader, that's what I want to experience in every book I read. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen and that only made me like this book more.
There were times where I got a bit bored, and I thought the story dragged on, but really, the ending was fantastic. I loved it. I recommend this book for those like me who love humour on its many different levels, from dark to just absurdly funny.

I read “Existence is Futile” almost two years ago, and to this day that story remains very dear to my heart.

I still love you, Scott! (emphasis on what I said in the “existence is futile” review)

One last thing to add, Scott. You are a very wise human being. I wish your books sell as much as that phony guy who pretends to be wise Paulo Coelho's book sell.

April 22, 2015Report this review