Ms. Bixby's Last Day

Ms. Bixby's Last Day

2016 • 300 pages


Average rating4.5


If you are a teacher or if you ever had a teacher that you loved, stay away from this book. It's a tear-jerker.

You have been warned.

Three friends are in the sixth grade class of the amazing Ms. Bixby, teacher-extraordinaire, who knows how to influence kids and parents toward what's best, provider of apt Bixbyisms for every situation, diffuser of tensions, promoter of good will.

The bottom falls out. Ms. Bixby has cancer and will not be able to finish out the year.

A plan forms. The three boys will break into the hospital housing Ms. Bixby and they will celebrate big, a perfect Ms. Bixbyish last day, complete with cheesecake and wine and McDonald's fries and the conclusion of The Hobbit.

Be prepared for tears. They are inevitable.

May 23, 2020Report this review