Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters: An African Tale

Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters: An African Tale

1987 • 32 pages


Average rating4



Mafaru had two beautiful daughters, but one was nice and one was not. The king wanted to find a wife and the two daughters are both sent to meet the king.

That night, when everyone was asleep, Manyara stole quietly out of the village. She had never been in the forest at night before, and she was frightened, but her greed to be the first to appear before the king drove her on. In her hurry, she almost stumbled over a small boy who suddenly appeared, standing in the path.

“Please, said the boy. “I am hungry. Will you give me something to eat?”

“I have brought only enough for myself,” Manyara replied.

“But, please!” said the boy. “I am so very hungry.”

“Out of my way, boy! Tomorrow I will become your queen. How dare you stand in my path!”

March 1, 2010Report this review