Murder at Half Moon Gate
2018 • 304 pages


Average rating3.5


This novel followed almost the exact same formula as the first in the series. There were many similarities in the plot, which to me made it feel less interesting, though I still enjoyed it. The scientific elements and the historical research clearly took time and effort and I applaud the author for that, I only wish she would put as much effort into the writing itself. There are so many repeated words and phrases and truisms. It's as though the author and editor know but don't care. (Some examples: “pragmatic” in all its forms, “sardonic”, “the pot calling the kettle black”, etc.) She's also finicky about where she uses detail. She's not afraid to describe the way a steam engine works in detail, but won't describe the caricatures that are making such a stir. (Considering the author has an MFA in graphic design, I would expect her to have some caricature ideas.) Also, while I was rooting for the main two characters to get together romantically, I found the romantic scenes rushed and clumsy. The author didn't play out the more interesting angles like she could have. I will probably keep going just so I don't have to search for a different series, but I was a tad disappointed with this one.

November 25, 2023Report this review