My Boss Is a Grumpy Werewolf and I Think He Wants to Marry Me!

My Boss Is a Grumpy Werewolf and I Think He Wants to Marry Me!



Average rating3


This book picks up were [b:My Boss Is a Grumpy Werewolf and I Think He Wants to Eat Me! 27560667 My Boss Is a Grumpy Werewolf and I Think He Wants to Eat Me! (My Boss Is a Grumpy Werewolf, #1) Jane Wallace-Knight 47586264] the previous book left off and I would definitely recommend reading that one first and this one not at all unless you've read the other as A) all major plot points are laid out in that one and B) the prior one is where the fun & hotness live.After the events of the last book Cole and Evan are on the road to their HEA but have to deal with external problems at every turn: Evan is having bad dreams and is afraid of hurting Cole, the Humans First group is on the attack and Cole's younger brother lands on their doorstep with more problems to lay on their plate. Yes Cole continuous to be his funny, sarcastic self and Evan is all hot werewolf but I felt that somehow all these issues were too much for a series of books that seemed to be just a fun romp. A well done romp is a hard thing to carry off and I feel the author managed that in the first book but somehow felt compelled to add social issues this time around, which were already plain from the beginning and didn't need to be hammered in thus detracting from soufflé that is the story.Don't get me wrong. I didn't hate it and it won't kill you to read it after the first but I would have been happier with at least one less issue I'm looking at you Cole's brother

July 26, 2016Report this review