My Dark Vanessa

My Dark Vanessa

2020 • 384 pages


Average rating4.3


This book is disgusting. But it's also as close to perfect as words can become. You know going in that the content is going to be dark and difficult, but it's so much more than that.

She flawlessly shows the complex nuances of humanity. How we all create our own logic and find ways to justify it. She creates a clear illustration of how something that's so obvious to everyone around you can be the exact opposite of what's fact to you.

And as is the case with all great books, the writing is incredible. For a debut novel to be this polished shouldn't be possible. But she made it seem easy, obvious, natural to write so well. I can't praise this enough. And truly cannot wait to see what Kate Elizabeth Russell decides to do next.

February 8, 2021Report this review