My Girl

My Girl


ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

WHOA was this an intense and crazy read! Why haven't I heard about this author before? The writing in this one was AMAZING. I was sucked in from page one and I didn't stop until I turned the last page.

That said, I did have one tiny issue. This book was simply too short. I read it in under two hours. The pacing was good at first, it was a nice build up, some good mystery, then BAM we are off to the races and flying at ninety miles an hour. I loved the first half and I loved the second half. What this book needed to be a perfect 5 star read for me was a better transition between the two halves.

That said, I would definitely recommend this book to Psychological Thriller lovers, and I will for sure be keeping my eye out for more from this author.

June 27, 2016Report this review