My Rhinoceros

My Rhinoceros



Average rating3


A boy buys a rhinoceros without realizing what he was getting into. He is disappointed to learn that his rhinoceros won't chase a ball or roll over or do anything. Finally, he consults a rhinoceros expert and learns that rhinoceroses only do two things: pop balloons and poke holes in kites. The boy takes his rhinoceros to the park and the rhinoceros does not pop balloons or poke holes in kites. The boy begins to worry that his rhinoceros is a dud until one day the boy sees a robbery and the rhinoceros has a chance to show what he's made of.

A delightfully absurd story sure to make both children and grownups chuckle.

“My rhinoceros didn't pop balloons!
He didn't even poke holes in kites!
I began to wonder about my rhinoceros.
Maybe he was a clunker. Maybe I should have bought a hippopotamus instead.”

November 23, 2011Report this review