My Summer Darlings

My Summer Darlings



Average rating2.6


3.75 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️✨
This was a good time and an easy read but definitely not as good as The Hunting Wives by her last year. I think I had just too high of hopes for this one after thoroughly enjoying her previous book.

The characters were so unlikeable, which I don't mind if the plot is good. But these woman just made dumb decisions, obsessive decisions, and threw away things and people who mean the most for a stuck up, snobby guy who was so terrible it was annoying.

Very salacious scenes for the majority of the book which I do not mind at all but I felt like it's what kept the story going and added to the pages.

I guessed one of the plot twists from the beginning which was fine. But there were parts I didn't understand like what he was going to do with Cynthia for their “trip” if he has other plans with someone else. Like if Cynthia didn't see them together, what would've happened?

Overall, it was a popcorn thriller type of time. I didn't want to stop reading it, so it was good but it just didn't live up to The Hunting Wives.

June 20, 2022Report this review