2015 • 304 pages


Average rating3


There were so many facets to this book that left me with so many different emotions. Yet again I have read a book about a difficult subject. However difficult the subject may be, it is still an incredibly important one. One that I think Stacey Trombley did a good job of conveying. There were many parts of this book that disgusted me to read and parts that made me so angry, but I'm glad for those emotions because their reenforce how important this book is.

This book follows Anna who is going back to her “normal” life after spending 3 years in NY as a prostitute. This book is about how she copes and deals with this “homecoming”. And I loved how complex and intricate this story was. There wasn't just one aspect of this change that Anna had to cope with. There were so many different areas and obstacles that arose. While this is a shorter novel, it has so many important pieces to the story.

This is truly a story about surviving and surviving in the face of adversity and I really appreciated that. I also really appreciated that there was not an emphasis on romance in this book. Yes there was a love-interest but it was not a major aspect of the book at all. This book focused on the important part of Anna and her life and how she became a stronger and better person after what she had experienced.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

June 13, 2015Report this review